Tag Archives: past

Past, present and future



What is the right balance between nurturing past relations and assets vs. focus on present and future-related pursuits?

This question comes to my mind every day.

I move between the present and past extremely frequently and always try to stay loyal to it, while simultaneously doing maximum justice to present responsibilities. But inside myself I harbor a deep guilt which keeps raising its head inside my psychic ocean. It tells me I must care more for my past relations and find out where the old friends and relatives with whom I spent some of the most beautiful parts of life are, and what can I do for them.

There are some characters who have passed away, and I just hold on to the beauty of the time spent with them, as well as the high and lows I enjoyed with them in my soul and spirit .

I feel that keeping a good balance between the past and present is vital for a smooth inner being and a balanced personality.

What do I mean by inner being?

Let me dig a little here. I mean that sometimes I have a multiple persona — whoever John Kingz (JKZ) in the past, is not the same JKZ at present. To me, this logically means that there is more than one being in any individual. However a bridge does exist upon which both past and present JKZ both travel on. What I mean by this refers to the smoothness of the inner being as the strength of the connection between the past and current self. The smoother the bridge, the more coherent and stronger the character of the person.

I will always remember the three lines of my grandfather:

“If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.”

“If health is lost, something is lost.”

“If character is lost, everything is lost.”

When I now link this to the past-and present-self concept, I feel the above three lines mean that the two tangible items (wealth and health) are less significant while the invisible, intangible attribute of character carries far more weight-age. Therefore I feel the link between past and present selves is the strength of character required to have a good balance, where past relations and the character feel the same closeness to the past as to the present and future. Once that is established, the soul, spirit and happiness levels lift inside the present self, which then acquires the right values and leadership traits to not only do justice to the past and present, but also for the uneven and uncertain roads of the future.

Thus, love your past and loved ones from their. Keep the fragrance of friendship alive, no matter how those characters from the past treat you. Sometimes you aren’t treated well, or at least not as well as you expect, but still — persevere on the road of one-way care and one-way love. You will deposit values that you may not even realise, but one day the only saving in your mortal and after-life bank are those gestures of love and care that will stand by you, while everything else — wealth, health, beauty, etc. — will all be consigned to the dustbin of eternity.